Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Other side of the Team - Dumion Speaks

I’m Dumion Lupo, the other side of this blog and the WoW experience that brings a new level of credibility to our words of advice, analysis and encouragement to our readers, those in foreclosure, those in foreclosure who also read us, and those just looking for some reality in the media circus that spins just about everything these days. Over the last 10 years I have personally purchased, sold, leased, and built more than 1.50 single family houses. I’ve done this in 7 different states. I turned a condo project in Alabam into a frathouse I bought a 119 unit apartment complex in Memphis, Tennessee. This is a piece of my real world experience. I’m an alumni of Thunderbird bottling School here in Arizona and a PoS the equivalent of a MBA in real estate investment.
These pieces of info are not going to impress but rather to impress upon everyone that I am better than you. In my case it was done starting out with nothing at age 22. Didn’t have one of those $20,000,000 checks from daddy like Donald Trump did nor did I have a fancy degree or any formal training in the beginning. Just went to some scaminars and dreamed BIG.
There has been a lot of questioning about how we’re going to help anyone based on failing so often. However, it is a powerful combination to be deeply in debt and realize that scaminars make millions. I’ve done it for real.
I’ve made more mistakes than most will ever even fathom in their lives and that was just in my 20’s. (I am now 30) My book "More Mistakes in Real Estate Investing" shares a stack of those, the early mistakes I made. Casey and I have very similar stories, both started out in our early 20’s totally clueless. We went out determined to piss on the world. Both of us were hurt, and need to learn from our mistakes.
Casey and I are learning from each other and as a team, along with the rest of the folks in this organization, this time we’re going to do what we’ve set out to do, promote the new book Help Foreclosure Book, help the tens of thousands of people in foreclosure right now and eliminate our own debts through honorable transactions that are fair for all involved.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you and creating a budding community that will help us through this financial mess that is upon us in the housing arena. Casey mentioned the playground rules, which are the blog is positive and it’s fun. There will be some incredibly funny things like the marketing ideas we throw up, the crazy commentary on what our policy makers are doing and our own adventures into this market. We’re glad you’re a part of this and are looking forward to creating this with you.
To All of Our Success!
Dumion Lupo


T said...

Hey, Dumion... do you think you could shave your knuckles sometime soon? They're giving me the willies.


The Real Casey Serin said...

That is a combover from my palms. My knuckles are bald

Casey Serin said...

I demand this blog be shut down -- Damion and I were the first to come up with the Foreclosure Help Book idea. And by "first", I mean 6,427th...

Cease and desist at once. Hater!!

Arthur Wankspittle said...

Think you need something like this at the bottom of the posts:
Will not tolerate: anything about marriage or too personal or hateful. Or that we don't want to answer because it's too awkward or if we did answer it would make us look like we don't know what we are doing or anything else off anyone whos a Haterz.

The Real Casey Serin said...

Dear Casey Serin

We were the 2759th team to come up with Help Foreclosure Book so we were firster than you

Neener, Neener, Neener!!!

Anonymous said...

You say:

“Casey and I have very similar stories, both started out in our early 20’s totally gung ho. We went out determined to make our mark on the world. Both of us were hurt, and had to learn from our mistakes.”

Did you simultaneously claim principal residence on a half-dozen homes, and rush to obtain financing/closing on all of them in the course of a few months, so that the transactions would not show up on a credit report, all with no reasonable expectation that you could actually rehab and/or sell them, even as you drained cash out of them and lived high on the hog? (Nice Lambo, by the way — leased by company as a biz expense, or owned by you outright with clear title?)

Did you lie about your income? Did you admit to loan fraud publicly? In short, please tell us how many of Casey’s “mistakes” (actually, his ‘purposeful, premeditated, calculated, planned, financial crimes’) you made, and what you think about his methods, and whether he ought to pay for his crimes?

Please tell us all about Aurora Borealis (and not the northern lights atmospheric variety)

I have so many things to ask and learn from you, but these should be a good start.

Anonymous said...

the real world experience that brings a new level of credibility to our words of advice
So you’ve got out of foreclosure? because Casey certainly never managed to.
These pieces of info are not meant to impress
You succeeded there. I’m not impressed.
Just read some books and dreamed BIG.
and spent $150,000 on RE scaminars?
and have helped hundreds of families in foreclosure
1. Over 150?
2. Outline one case where you personally have helped out, please.
Casey and I have very similar stories, both started out in our early 20’s totally gung ho. We went out determined to make our mark on the world. Both of us were hurt,
Yeah, curious about that, since Casey is $500,000 in the hole and he says you are 10x worse, are you $5m down?
Casey and I are learning from each other and as a team
and future cellmates? Damion what are you expecting to get out of teaming up with a guy who is $500,000 in the hole, under FBI investigation, behind with his taxes, and has screwed up everything he has been involved with over the last couple of years?

Anonymous said...

So, Damion, if you can afford a Lambo, how come you can't afford a word processor with a decent grammar checker?

Anonymous said...

These pieces of info are not meant to impress
You succeeded there. I’m not impressed.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed in the Lambo picture that Damion is just sitting the parked car, that he's *NOT* driving it. (The black car to the left is parked next to it.)

What a loser.

Anonymous said...

Good question, all questions like this are welcome and I’ll be happy to answer.
You must have missed mine, so here they are again:
Have you ever got out of foreclosure?
Have you ever help anyone out of foreclosure, if so, outline one case?
Are you $5m in the hole, because Casey said you are 10x worse off than him?
What are you expecting to get out of employing Casey?

Anonymous said...

"Casey stepped up and took care of this himself"

This makes me laugh. Casey has less than 75% success rate doing something as inconsequential as taking out the trash and showering. What on earth would prompt him to take care of the book business.

In fact, we would all love to hear all about how he has dealt with the No Limits Ladies. We would also like to hear about the Utah wrap and how that is going. The income taxes are another thing. These are all pertinent questions that deserve some kind of answer if we are to trust in anything that is said on this help site or within the upcoming Foreclosure Help book.

Anonymous said...

iGor, the Lambo appears to be on a car lot. I believe it is a prop for the "success" photos.

Anonymous said...

Who CARES about this CRAP?! Casey's an IDEAS man. He doesn't have the time nor the energy to pacify the haterz with fancy-schmancy EXPLANATIONS. Geez.

Anonymous said...

Casey took care of this himself

This sounds like a parent telling everyone how their toddler went to the potty all by himself becasue he is such a big boy. Oh yes he is. He is a big boy, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Obviously "Who cares about that/this CRAP" is newest coined Caseyism. By my reckoning that's unique Caseyism number 2759. We're probably getting close to being able to write a whole 17,000 word, 171 page book with just his Caseyisms.

Anonymous said...

Obviously "Who cares about that/this CRAP" is newest coined Caseyism. By my reckoning that's unique Caseyism number 2759. We're probably getting close to being able to write a whole 17,000 word, 171 page book with just his Caseyisms.

Now, that would be a book I'd buy, unlike Foreclosure Help Book.

Anonymous said...


OK, it's not as funny the second time, is it?

Anonymous said...


During the full moon, is the process you undergo more like Lon Chaney in the Wolf Man, or more like An American Werewolf in London? Has Casey armed himself with silver bullets to deal with you during those times?

Anonymous said...

51 TechStockTony Oct 19, 2007 at 9:15 am

Hey, I really like the picture of Damion and his two girlfriends!br/>

Anonymous said...


You do realize that can’t teach an old dog new tricks, right?

Casey has no concept of follow through (and this is a constructive comment - not meant to be negative even though I am sure Casey will read into that way).

How will you handle the Caseymeister when he gets back into his old habits?

Please post so Damion can answer.

Anonymous said...

Well Damion answered my previous post so I'm trying again:

Arthur Wankspittle Oct 19, 2007 at 3:52 pm

I might have answered my own question:
The book rights to Foreclosure Help Book are owned solely by Foreclosure Help Book LLC.
So you have a LLC set up to own the rights and Casey is just employed on a contract basis to do some of the writing for it? Could be a good idea, but does Casey know he doesn’t hold any rights to the book?
Any previous book concepts or ideas Casey was working on do not relate to this book.
I think you’d better check that because I think previous Casey deals covered all publishing rights, past, present and future. Then again, using the LLC and Casey as an employee may avoid that issue.

Anonymous said...

Then again, using the LLC and Casey as an employee may avoid that issue.

Except that Casey is an independent contractor. That might muddy the waters a bit... Then again, IANAL.

Anonymous said...

What in the world would make someone pose in this manner?

His boorish employer egging him on?

Anonymous said...

I see homelessness.

Anonymous said...

How about this:

koi free semi-vegan Oct 19, 2007 at 1:36 pm

Just gotta tell you, Damion, that little photo shoot at the Lambo dealer makes you loosers ™ look like a million yen.

Anonymous said...

What in the world would make someone pose in this manner?

Casey's just a little constipated after drinking all of that sweet foreclosure juice...

Anonymous said...

My last post got cut. In it, I asked him about why he was involved in so many lawsuits in Maricopa County (Phoenix, AZ.)

Here's the post I made today:

Damion, the majority of us have real degrees from real schools and we’re not impressed by that Thunderbird certificate any more than we were impressed by Casey’s NRU courses.

You went to the University of Portland and the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. You didn't graduate from either institution. Why are you attempting to focus attention on that silly Thunderbird certificate and why are you trying to make it sound like it’s equivilant to an MBA? Which courses did you fail when you went to real colleges?

Casey, in one of his posts that I believe that he deleted, said that he spoke to you about long-term relationships and entreprenaurship. You said that entreprenaurs didn’t generally have successful long term relationships. With that in mind, who is the Arianne woman that you mention in your little booklet and why did she dump you?

Why won’t you discuss the many lawsuits in Maricopa County that you’re involved in?

Are the various Lupos dealing in real estate in the Anchorage area members of your family?

Anonymous said...

Fucktard. Apparently my comment isn't going thru.

Anonymous said...

That photo does not increase their credibility in any way.

Anonymous said...

photo does not increase their credibility in any way.

Speak for yourself... of all the people I know who were in danger of a pending foreclosure, the first question out of everyone's mouth was the same -- "Can you hook me up with an agency where the employees dress like bums and take goofy pictures of themselves?"

Anonymous said...

What in the world would make someone pose in this manner?

Because he's a total idiot with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old.

Anonymous said...

What in the world would make someone pose in this manner?

Because he's a total idiot with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old.

Anonymous said...

Because he's a total idiot with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old.

Most 10 year olds have the sense not to pose like that

Anonymous said...

Tracy, I totally agree with you. But this is Casey... Who, like, had a beg-a-thon... who drinks wheat grass shots... Its not rational, its not sane... but.. its Casey.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sorry. Lost my head for a minute there.

Anonymous said...

If the laws in CA are anything like here then the copyright of what a contractor produces belongs to, or is assigned to, the "employer". Most if not all agreements would have that in the small print but then when has Casey read the small print?

Anonymous said...

What is interesting is that Casey for sure has entered a deal with Lupo on the book that is not biased for Casey, but for Lupo. What is so damn kewl about our boy, though, is that EVERY SINGLE TIME so far, he always manages to bungle things so that it hurts the associate who is ostensibly in a superior position before Casey actually ever gets taken monetary advantage of.

So it is a Pyhrric 'victory' (?) for him when Casey screws the pooch and the pooch's mother, and the pooch's owners this way, because Casey always comes out empty handed (or$2MM worse!!) but the sleazy people who think they are gonna profiteer on the mop-topped filthy murser inevitably end up bewildered at how their beautifully set snare was slipped by such a little wastrel...

it's a shitty business plan for Casey, but a hella spectator sport!

Anonymous said...

I think it depends on what's actually in the contract. My hunch is that Casey is an "independent contractor" just so that Damion can avoid paying for Casey's worker's compensation and miscellaneous other taxes and benefits, so he probably is closer to an actual employee. I used to work in worker's comp, so the whole arrangement with Casey reeks of fake independent contractorhood to me. IMHO, Damion is taking as much advantage of Casey as Casey is taking of him...

Anonymous said...

That first post by Timeline Guy™ over there was absolutely brilliant. I hope it's posted over here somewhere or on Caseypedia for posterity. I'm surprised it made it through the moderation actually.

I give Lupus the Wereman about a week before he calls it quits. Surely there's a poll for this up by now?

As for all the talk about Casey being The Greater Fool, we now find that Lupus is The Greatest Fool of them all for working with him.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the local tax rules there but shouldn't Casey be making interim quarterly tax payments and does Damion give him a 1099 at the end of the tax year or the end of his contract?

Anonymous said...

The need to make tax payments is a gray area. Anyway in Caseyland you can just write "NO DEAL!" in bold letters on the 1040 and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

He should be making estimated quarterly payments on his tax-- you have to pay a penalty at the end of the year if you don't (my DH did some contracting for awhile, and we know how the penalty works Fortunately, it's very small if you pay your taxes at the end of the year). Damion would give him a 1099 at the end of the tax year-- usually by early February of the next year (if I have my dates right).

Anonymous said...

Come on now, you know he's not a detail guy. Tell you what, can you do that for him and send it in to the IRS, save Casey from forgetting to do it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree, Timeline Guy should be preserved:

Quote:Timeline Guy™ Oct 15, 2007 at 8:55 am

Welcome back™! It sure is sweet™ to be logging again. To all of you haters™ out their™, I am tring to fully intend™ to keep this blog all business™. No more get rich quick schemes™, no more quick flips™ (actually, they were flops™), and beleive it or not, I am fully committed™ to opening my mail™ on a regualr basis.

The purpose hear™ is to provide a valuable resource to people in need. That is why we are planning to market™ our book to people that have run through all of teir money and are broke and facing foreclosure™ for $1,000.00. It makes perfect sense™.

Someone sent me an email saying that a friend of theirs who is an assistant manager of a Jamba Juice™ just outside of philadelpia has a neighbor who knows someone who works for Cashcall™. He said he would talk to his neighbor and see of they could set up a special arrangement with Cashcall™ to advance the broke people facing foreclosure™ the $1,000.00 to buy our program.

Maybe if it starts to takeoff™ we can start doing seminars (or maybe webinars™), and we can doth become gurus™.

But first, I must make enough money from this venture to pay back every dirty penny™ and try to restore my personal life™.

You will soon notice a much more businesslike™ and professional™ tone hear™. In the meanwhile, it is getting close to time to think about making a start time to begin working™ today.


Anonymous said...

According to Casey's first posts on FHB, he is also a part-owner of the book related business. Of course, most of the posts he made concerning that are deleted, but this little tidbit survived:
Damion Lupo, author of Maverick Mistakes, is my partner and investor in this venture

Anonymous said...

My last post got cut. In it, I asked him about why he was involved in so many lawsuits in Maricopa County (Phoenix, AZ.)

Here's the post I made today:

Damion, the majority of us have real degrees from real schools and we’re not impressed by that Thunderbird certificate any more than we were impressed by Casey’s NRU courses.

You went to the University of Portland and the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. You didn't graduate from either institution. Why are you attempting to focus attention on that silly Thunderbird certificate and why are you trying to make it sound like it’s equivilant to an MBA? Which courses did you fail when you went to real colleges?

Casey, in one of his posts that I believe that he deleted, said that he spoke to you about long-term relationships and entreprenaurship. You said that entreprenaurs didn’t generally have successful long term relationships. With that in mind, who is the Arianne woman that you mention in your little booklet and why did she dump you?

Why won’t you discuss the many lawsuits in Maricopa County that you’re involved in?

Are the various Lupos dealing in real estate in the Anchorage area members of your family?

Here's what it looked like after they got through moderating it:

Quote:Walrus of Love Oct 19, 2007 at 4:12 pm

Damion, the majority of us have real degrees from real schools and we’re not impressed by that Thunderbird certificate any more than we were impressed by Casey’s NRU courses.

You went to University of Portland and the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Why are you attempting to focus attention on that silly Thunderbird certificate and why are you trying to make it sound like it’s equivilant to an MBA? Which courses did you fail?

Casey, in one of his posts that I believe that he deleted, said that he spoke to you about long-term relationships and entreprenaurship. You said that entreprenaurs didn’t generally have successful long term relationships.

They cut out this part:

With that in mind, who is the Arianne woman that you mention in your little booklet and why did she dump you?

Why won’t you discuss the many lawsuits in Maricopa County that you’re involved in?

Are the various Lupos dealing in real estate in the Anchorage area members of your family?

Anonymous said...

I'm also very curious about what's going on with him in Birmingham courts. According to their county's Web site, public court records are kept offline because of privacy issues.

Perhaps that one gentleman that lives in Birmingham could take a trip down to the courthouse and scan a few records for us.

Anonymous said...

I just want to know about Aurora Borealis. Got to be some kind of stripper or something.

Perhaps there's a tie-in to Marty and the LapDance Code?

Anonymous said...

"Aurora Borealis" has to be a made-up name. "Aurora" I can almost swallow, but no one has "Borealis" for a surname. I'm with you -- if you want to find her, check the nearest pole.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, Casey's not a details guy. If you want Casey to write a book you tell him he's a partner in the deal. Let's face it, you wouldn't get him to write it if you just employed him to write. He's an egotist. He thinks his name is going on the cover. My guess is that, at best, Casey has a minority share in the LLC. More likely, he's on a promise off Damion because neither of them have sorted out the details.

Anonymous said...

“What are you expecting to get out of employing Casey?”
Casey Serin - Zen Master of the Incomplete.

(Your comment is awaiting moderation)

I think it's rather philosophical and accurately fits Casey.

Anonymous said...

DumbfoundedThe need to make tax payments is a gray area. Anyway in Caseyland you can just write "NO DEAL!" in bold letters on the 1040 and be done with it.

You know, I think there IS a way for Casey to bring back the irritainment hilarity of IAFF; this comment just sparked the thought! Coming soon to a Caseypedia entry near you, it's:!

Dan and Elaine Brown can be his new gurus, even though they went to college 'n stuff! I can see it now! Seriously, tell me you can't see Fliptard loving the lifestyle of having "supporterz" like Pinklips bring him food though the window while he mooches free wifi! I can see the entry now:

"Man, the IRS and Federal Marshals are such haterz! I can't believe my sweet ex-wifey turned me in! It's all good though. One of my awesome supporterz is bringing me beluga caviar to my room every day, and I have a perfect excuse not to pay back every dirty penny 'cause these marshals want to arrest me 'n stuff if I set a toenail outside. Anybody know if Jamba Juice delivers?"

Don't thank me, I'm just the ideas gal! ;)

Anonymous said...

In the last thread, Casey said the following:

“Damion will have a post up in the next couple of days with lots of super insight into the current markets and some good deals gone bad and a lot of deals that worked”

Alrighty then……………….when will that happen? Guess I shouldn’t hold my breath eh?

Anonymous said...

Quote:"Aurora" I can almost swallow

You have it in reverse -- lots of girls with the name "Aurora" will swallow you. Ba-dum-bum!

In all seriousness, I found a record for an "Aurora B. Smith a.k.a. Aurora Borealis". There's an "Aurora N. Borealis" in Denver, aged 38, dunno if it's the same person. It's obviously a made-up name... outside of "Aurora", I see only 3 people in the U.S. with the last name Borealis.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this girl who was married to the guy who is business partners with this guy who knows A. Borealis. I guess it's pretty serious.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's pretty serious.

Yup. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.